About The Blog

Well, I already have a little box on the side of my blog that is "About Me," so I don't really want to go into more detail about that. Instead, let's talk about this here blog.

Are you wondering about the title? Well, I'd be happy to explain. See, I read this poem by Billy Collins called "Marginalia," which you really should read. I've always been fascinated by the writing of other people in the margins of books, especially their thoughts and reactions to particular parts. So I thought that perhaps in real life, the little thoughts and commentary in our heads throughout the day are their own form of marginalia. Thus, the stories I tell on here aren't just accounts of the facts; they also have my perceptions, reactions, and (occasionally snarky) comments. They include the things that, if the events of my life were in a book, I would write in the margins. Therefore, "Sydney in the Margins."

Other than that, I think the blog is pretty self-explanatory. I write stories from my life, because stories are more interesting than rants or politics. I try to write fairly regularly, but sometimes I just don't have ideas or can't express them and so it takes a while to post new material. If you don't think I'm funny or entertaining, that's okay. I don't think I am either. I'm just writing stories because it's what I love to do.

Pardon the egg salad stains, but I'm in love.